Take those moments, let the stress of your everyday life go... cry, laugh, pat yourself on the back for being the supreme domestic goddess that you are. Then pick yourself up, pat some cool water on your puffy eyes and continue on.
*I usually start this cooking around lunchtime to have it ready for dinner.
Rojo Beef
Mommy please let me out of here, I can just read it in those big beautiful green eyes. What makes it even harder is, just like his 2 older brothers, Odie and Bubba as he calls them, he knows just how to melt my heart, big sloppy open mouthed muahhhh baby kisses. Oh I can't forget the one time he talks quietly and that's "Momma".
So I break, I usually let him out of the baby gated living room and put him in his high chair or close the bathroom door and gate off the computer room. Dilemma solved, every one's happy.
But, for every baby/toddler dilemma solved a new one will arise.... I give you ... the stairs!
That little stinker, just climbed his little butt right up them stairs to his Nirvana heaven...the bigger boys toy room.
Oh, I laughed and I was proud that he has the ability to not only climb up the stairs but back down as well.
I was a bit sad too though. Partially because he does so well up and down the stairs and I'm known for tripping up the stairs or the infamous think there is one more step there that really isn't, so I look like a total dork lifting my leg like Frankenstein walking to take a step that isn't even there, now that's if at the top. At the bottom I just trip and about smash my pretty little pug nose into the front door.
My real moment of self awwww is... a milestone like this makes me realize even more that my last baby is growing up way too fast.
I'm pouting now, my babies are all growing up too fast. And I miss their little tiny chubby baby feet and no teeth grins and looking up at me with that look of total adoration...oh wait, I still get that whenever I fix and kiss a boo boo.
Motherhood is the greatest gift we can be given, but man ole man is it a roller coaster of emotions.
* My quote of the day or words of advise or whatever you'd like to call it...
I've lived out here on the prairie for over two years now and this my friend, is my third summer. Now I've pretty much gotten used to the fact that the weather changes without warning here and that being in big sky country it's usually gorgeous and fun. But... When it comes to the kind of season we've been having this year as far as Tornado warnings and touchdowns, it's both thrilling, neat and scary to be able to see a storm coming toward you for MILES. I don't mean oh say five miles I mean holy crap that's a long ways away, miles .
This lovely little photo is before the hail decided to shower down and make it's lovely tink tink harmony and scare the bejeebers out of my middle little ( my middle child). Come on even I know better than to be standing outside taking pictures when it's hailing, well not unless you are wearing a hard hat. Then that would just be being passionate about photography right?
I am well aware in other parts of the country they would have all the right in the world to stone me and burn me at the stake for talking about bad weather. But, I'm still getting used to the fact that it's just a matter of everyday life to have tornado watches and warnings more than a few times summer. God bless you with your nerves of solid rock people in tornado alley.
Oh, I should add that all the damage we've had "knock on wood" has been minimal...branches down,shingles blown off the garage and barn, and my poor snap dragons and moss roses laid over.