Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I am no longer going crazy with not knowing.
That darling, sweet and mildly obnoxious Cowboy Soldier of mine called this morning. He got into Phase 2 of the classes needed for his soldiering.
Where does that leave me? That leaves me a married single mom for three more weeks. I'm optimistic though, the boys have gotten accustomed to daddy being gone, I've got my schedule without him down pretty good, I recently have discovered my limitations of what manly stuff he does around here I can't do.
Yeah, that discovery hurt my head, my bottom and my pride. Lets just, a shovel, an ax and an end result of me flat on my back on the ground with a knot on my head, a sore tail bone, bruised pride and thanking the good lord I didn't impale myself. Please, don't ask me to go into further detail it's just too painful, mostly for my pride.
Wish me luck, three more weeks of a little taste of what the upcoming deployment shall be like. Sigh! Me learning how to be on my own in the middle of winter.
I foresee me giving myself more pep talks.
Cowgirl Lady
Monday, January 26, 2009
Hurry up and Wait.
:::tap tap tap::: Is this thing on or have I completely lost you? Oh OK. All this rambling is going somewhere I promise.
As you well know that barrel chested big forearmed and bigger biceps, drool! Cowboy/Soldier husband of mine has been away to school, learning stuff the military says he needs to know, for three weeks. Now here comes my aggravation point. Originally he was to be gone for 6 weeks for this school. It consists of 2 phases each 3 weeks, you follow? I know if you're math impaired such as me you might have to read that again...I'll give you a second.
Got it? OK. Well apparently somewhere something got fandoogled and he's not sure if he will have phase 2 or not, I'm thinking paperwork got messed up somewhere. Phase 1 ends tomorrow, but he doesn't find out if he has Phase 2 till the class actually starts on Wed. and they see if anyone already enrolled in the class doesn't show up or doesn't have their proper paperwork and he gets bumped into the class. That happens and he'll be gone yet another 3 weeks but this school part will be done. If not he'll fly home, in the next couple days and he'll get the class at a further date. Not too further I'm thinking, because this is a required school and he's deploying this summer. Not thinking about that at this moment.
So here I am...waiting to find out if my honey and father of my blond babes is coming home this week or in 3 weeks. My kids ask, when's daddy coming home and right now I'm going uhhhhhh doot doo doo, I'm not sure. That does not please them, they are like me, they like black and white on the calendar something they can see. I'm sorry my children you had to inherit your mother's..must have all the facts need of information I don't like surprises they make me nervous make me sweat and make me want to bite my nails again which I quit many years ago.
I guess this post didn't really have a point, no funny story, no recipe, no pictures of my children's latest, lets see how many grey hairs we can give mom and see how fast she really can run across the house and hurdle the coffee table. Nope I'm sorry to disappoint this is just a basic I'm cold, frustrated and venting.
I think I need to go eat some Chocolate...maybe I'm being...dare I say it...Girly...Shudder!
Tapping my fingers waiting for info, wishing my postcard from my hubby of the Ghirardelli Factory was edible or is it eatable.
Cowgirl Lady
PS. This little picture has absolutly nothing to do with this post, I just found it and it makes me giggle. Might have something to do with the fact I played with GI Joe's not Barbies. I have a confession I'm 29 years old and have never owned a Barbie doll. I'm thinking that's going to come and bite me in the butt someday as a deep dark reason as to why I am the way I am. Easily therapy for me. I love quick easy solutions.
Friday, January 23, 2009
My Favorite White Bread Recipe

I think my favorite thing about it is it makes two large loaves, it has a sweeter flavor and it's consistency is sturdy enough to cut and use for sandwiches without being so super heavy you feel like you are walking around with a big dough ball in your tummy. After many a years of homemade bread making (no bread machine here) this is the recipe that has been the biggest hit and has got the most..that's a keeper make it again reviews.
Place the kneaded dough ball in a lightly oiled bowl flipping the dough over so it's oiled on the top as well, cover and let rise till doubled. Time varys depending on the warmth of your home and the yeast.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
My Anniversary Surprise
Unknown at the time ,but I'm sure it was destiny, there were two other Winchester weddings many years prior. They were similar to my marriage to that baby faced Sailor soon deploying. We each had very small weddings and nothing flashy. I believe I'm the only one that got married in burgundy velvet though. You see... my grandmother married my grandfather, an Army Special Forces Veteran and then My mother married my father an Army Veteran himself. Little did I know that nine years later I would be the wife of an Army National Guard Soldier. Destiny? I'm convinced of it. I'm also happy to announce that both my parents and grandparents where happy marriages that followed their vows of till death do us part.
My grandma (Ma as I call her ) is one of those, I want a love like that story. Grandpa has been gone since I was a year old and to this day, everything for that house is still in my grandfather's name. When she talks about him she gets that soft take your breath away whisper of unconditional love. He's not Donald or Don when she speaks of him, he's "My Don". "MY" is always spoken before his name. They'd had their up times and down times but always pulled together and made it through, raising 5 kids through everything. I love when I can go home, you can feel the love of a farm wife and military Steel Mill man coursing through the hardwood floors and ever corner has the blood, sweat and tears my Grandparents put into it.
I usually wouldn't say that Cowboy of mine is a romantic. In fact I'm guilty of on more than one occasion saying I married the most unromantic man on the face of the earth. I'm serious. Don't be laughing at me and guys don't be rolling your eyes at me either.
A Cowgirl story time again...
Cowboy and I are dating, we are sitting on a bench at a city park in MD. It's sunset and the reflection of the gold yellow and purple setting sun is on a pond with fountains. We're watching the ducks and swans swim across in happy little couples, I lay my head on his shoulder and he says "Sure wish I had a shotgun." Yep, all this lovely romantic, Hallmark card setting and my sweetheart wishes he had a shotgun because of all the ducks swimming in front of him. For a proposal, I got a lovely red rose with my ring hidden inside and a nervous and shaking cowboy on one knee, trying not to cuss at the gravel he's kneeling on. With a dip in his lip he asks "Do me the honor...Will you be my wife?" After which I try not to giggle at how totally uncomfortable this mushy moment is making him and I say yes. Following my saying yes, was a huge sigh of relief, a kiss and a swat on my bottom going up the steps to the house to tell my mom.
Today at about noon...I got a phone call from the local florist checking to make sure I was home and about 20 minutes later.... These are sitting on my kitchen table.
Besides the flowers which I'll explain in a moment is a card. I open the card and in my darling's handwriting is the words "Even though I'm not physically here, I'm here in heart" signed by my Cowboy soldier. Sigh!
It gets better... there are 3 blue carnations representing out 3 beautiful cowboybabies, 2 white carnations representing, that made me cry today Cowboy Soldier of mine and myself and 9 red carnations one for each year we've been married. All red white blue because of the military family we are. WHAAAAAA, yep water works hit.
Over a month ago before he left for his school in CA, he stopped at the local florist paid for the flowers, filled out the card and arranged for them to be delivered on our anniversary.
So, ladies reading this...Even those, rough around the edges, dragging their knuckles cavemen we married, might not show it often, there is still a romantic in there somewhere. We married them for who they are not what we want to make them, because you see now...instead of getting upset at him wishing for a shotgun, I'll grab my shotgun and go hunting with him (in the wild, not in a city park, had to clarify that.) Walking side by side with my man through a field of wild prairie grass means more to me than walking down a beach after a candle lit dinner. It's time alone, it's togetherness and it's both of us being comfortable. I was me, he was him, and we've grown together to find and make us.
Happy Anniversary Cowboy honey.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Middle Little Is Now 5
We started out our day with a breakfast of cereal which wasn't what his pallet apparently had in mind so we had to throw an apple in there, followed by a mid morning snack of raisins and a pudding cup. Oh I can feel the health food granola moms shaking their heads at me. I admit it my child had a chocolate pudding cup before noon, in fact in was before 11, what a rebel I am. I'm not ashamed, it's got milk, it's part of the dairy category. He enjoyed it and he'd have had it even if it wasn't his birthday which it was so HA.
After a lunch of Alphabet soup..thank you Campbell's, he got a phone call from Daddy. Super Soldier Daddy, who's away to school and wishes so badly he could be there for his birthday but promises of a party when he gets home next month. OK, all better. Amazing how the visions of two birthdays can pick a kid up and make Daddy being gone not seem so bad. Wow kids are easy sometimes. Must remember, party's solve boo hoo's.
What a lovely day it was, 20 degrees, ABOVE zero. Did you see that, I'll do it was 20 degrees ABOVE ZERO. Can you hear the Hallelujah choir of angels singing when I say that. I Bundle up the kids, shiped em outside and a couple of hours of sledding down our ginormous pile of snow...thanks Wyatt. I also have some lovely half completed snow construction sites around my property, but the kids union had to quit for the day do to Tonka Truck tires be packed too full of snow and the thought of Hot Chocolate. I'm really going to have to read the small print of those union contracts more carefully.
After a rather plain supper of spaghetti, hey it's what he wanted, it was presents and cake time. Ah yes, the cake. The cake was bit different than the average 5 yr. olds cake, but does that really surprise you that my children pick something a tad out of the ordinary. I am the mother of Capt. Pickles, the scientist who convinced Dad to prick his finger to look at Dad's Army blood under his microscope and a baby who's whole world revolves around jumping 1/2 an inch off the ground to bounce in the oddest kangaroo + bunny + looking like you just burnt your feet yet not bending our knees kinda bounding in a straight line across the kitchen. Quite a sight to see I must say.
You see since about two months ago after breakfast at Denny's and pancakes with cherry pie fillings, that darling pumpkin headed middle little of mine has been on a cherry kick. Not real cherries, like bing cherries on the stem, NOOO canned cherry pie filling. So, the birthday cake with 5 candles was actually a cherry cheesecake..heavy on the cherries. I really do wonder if what you do when nursing your child has an affect. My three days in the hospital after having the little feller via c-section the OB ward always gave us nursing moms snacks, not just ice cream and home baked pies and sandwiches and pretty much anything else we wanted. Well, safe to say, I went on a major pie kick. Cowboy and I ate more pie those three days in the hospital that I think I might eat in average year. Cause for my child's love of pie and at the moment pie fillings..HMMMM.
It was a good day, we were missing that barell chested Cowboy of ours...but that's something we are getting accustomed to and going to continue to. Deployment this summer and no Cowboy for any birthdays and holidays for a year. We bucked up and managed.
I am now the mommy of an 8 year old , 5 year old and 21 month old. SIGH! Once school starts in the fall I'm only going to have one babe home with me. I'm not going to think about that right now, I'll think about that tomorrow (channeling Scarlet O'Hara again).
Hug those babies of yours, they really do grow up way too fast. Oh and grab some cherry pie filling while you're at it, you know you want too. Sprinkle some granola on it and make it healthy. Sorry that was my muffin tops talking again.
Thinking about cherry cheesecake for lunch, damn those muffin tops.
Cowgirl Lady
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
It's Fourty Below ..and I don't give a *&!...Name that song
Since the beginning of Dec. it has been a regular occurrence to have a winter storm every weekend. Well apparently January has decided that it must 1 up good ole December like an attention getting sibling. So instead of winter storms they are upgrading to blizzards and negative temps.
Let me take this moment to explain negative temps and windchill. Temperature is how cold it is outside, read the thermometer. Windchill is how cold it feels. I don't know where it comes from. I imagine there is some scientific thingy to it. I prefer to think of it as some poor guy who ticked off one too many people stealing their parking places at the mall, not getting up on the subway and giving his seat to a pregnant woman carrying groceries and a screaming two year or just one of the rude guys who can't understand what it means to have an inside voice while on his cell phone. His punishment is as follows.. getting woke up in the morning out of his soft flannel sheets by two thugs wearing down filled parkas and thrown outside in the elements. Jumping up and down the fool yells "holy shit it's got be 40 below out here." hence windchill factor -40.
Yes, I'm in an odd mood. Be warned posts might be on the warped side for a bit.
Now, me being the sweet, darling and just plain cute east coast southern gal that I am. I was used to having my place of solice and way too much fun...the ocean. I miss the ocean. For people who haven't been used to smelling the salt in the air, the sand under your feet and between your toes, oh and the the water splashing on the back of the tub when hurricane baby RJ plays with rubber ducks and boats, add in the squawk of sea gulls and thunder turned down to almost mute. The ocean gets into your soul. It becomes a part of you, it calls and pulls for you and when unable to accept its open invitation its the urge not fed like having breast fed a infant suckling for a year and hearing a newborn cry similar to your own child's wee whimper. (sorry guys.) Just imagine the perfect 10 by 10, velvet covered rack, broad shouldered buck and it being 15 minutes after the closing of deer season. Not quite the same..but hey I tried.
It's been five years since my soul mate of the earth ...the ocean, has ran it's sea wind hands through my hair and splashed mist on my face. I miss it more than I thought I would. I live in the wild wide open prairie, I'm surrounded by nature day in day out, but I have yet to find something that gets to me the way the ocean does. All this snow and cold sure isn't helping any either... I try to think warm thoughts and what do I get...
My North Dakota Ocean front property. A Sea of Snow.
Post note.. the normal flat snow is well over my knees, the drifts are anywhere from butt deep to over my head. Do they make life preserver to keep you from sinking and drowning in snow? Hmmm!
Cuddle your loved one and be warm
Hooah! Cowgirl Lady
Friday, January 9, 2009
My Soldier's Gone and Winter Doesn't Like Me
On Sunday morning, I might add the buttcrack of dawn after a huge winter storm. We once again had to drive that hunky cowboy soldier of mine to the airport to hop a flight to California for the next six weeks. Yeah, I know, California...sometimes life's just not fair. Anywho, after staying up till after midnight, gathering, folding and packing him for his next soldier must go away expedition we went to bed to wake up to a buzzing alarm clock at 3 am. Why so early you ask, because over a foot of snow had just fallen and the wind was causing drifts everywhere and his flight left at 6:55 am in the city. We made it there in one piece, got him checked in, hugs kisses and little tikes attached to my leg, we left the airport.
I climbed in the truck, trying not to shake and giving myself a good hearty pep talk that I could do this. "I'm an army wife now, I had to soldier up and face my fear head on, be a warrior. I could drive these winter roads myself, I could get me and three little cowboy cargoes home in one piece without ending up in the ditch somewhere in -32 wind chills." Oh and yes, I was talking to myself. Don't you judge me. It was dark, I was in the running truck at a tiny airport and if any one saw me hopefully they thought I was talking to one of the kiddos falling asleep behind me.
Let me explain something quick. I don't winter drive. Nope, Nuh Uh, haven't done it in YEARS. Up until a month ago, if it even started flurrying outside, Cowboy would have to drive. When I was a fresh out of high school teen I was traveling around an "S" curve (no i wasn't speeding to all you men who assume that) and my car fish tailed, went into the ditch and I had a double concussion as well as was paralyzed from the waist down for a bit and limping in pain when I did get my legs back for a what seemed like forever. I got scared, I lost all my confidence in my driving and I haven't driven snow since....till last month, when my hubby ever so nicely and gently started teaching and guiding me and for the first time I didn't buck him on it because I knew he was leaving for these couple months and deploying this summer for a year so it was inevitable. I needed to drive all the seasons.
Thank the good lordy I am happy to announce I got myself and the cowbabies home safe, sound and in one piece...the truck too. Though I did do something for the first time... I had to go drift busting to get down my road. That my dears is both thrilling and frightening at the same time. It did take me double the time it usually takes to come home from the city, but I'll be a granny driver when I'm not comfortable with the traction under my tires, go around me and pay me no mind.
All this lovely blabbing of mine was about Sunday. Today is Friday and once again, just like every weekend since the beginning of Dec. We are having a winter storm. I am not going out in it. I won't and you can't make me. I was smart, I knew it was coming. The kids and I packed up went to town, I grabbed some groceries and diapers and I am hunkered down in my cozy little prairie home and not leaving till the storm passes, the road grater scrapes all the snow and drifts blocking my road and the plows sprinkle some sort of stuff on the main roads.
Current Mood: I miss my Cowboy Soldier..I miss seeing the ground...I really don't think snow is pretty anymore.... I just know all this snow is going to lead to some bad flooding this spring and yet, I'm sorta proud of myself for bucking up and doing what I have to do.
I'm off to grab a blankie a cup of hot tea and watch a movie with my kiddos.
Stay Warm and Drive safe
Hooah ~ Cowgirl Lady
PS...the kids like the snow, especially the huge Snow pile getting bigger each time the driveway gets scraped. Yes, those are our two dogs playing in the snow and trying to sled ride I might add.