The last weekend of August is when our county fair is. Which in my house means all the training and chores and work my now 9 year old son has been doing with his spring lamb will be put to the test.'s a great organization, my husband and I as has our families before us have all been a part of this group. It's part of being a farm kid. It's right up there with chores before school, not afraid of mud on your jeans and laughing at city folks who snicker and laugh when the male anatomy of cattle and horses show, oh I don't know, I always get a chuckle out of the women walking through the barns in flip flops or heels and then grumbling they stepped in poop.
This was my oldest cowboybaby's first year and 4H and he's been working with his lamb since late spring. First bottle feeding it, then getting it used to him, teaching it to walk on a lead...that is funny on its, own lambs can be very very stubborn, eventually to be able to lead it around by it's head, for the most part. Oh, and getting it sheared before the fair..poor little bald thing.
The Fair was here before I knew what hit me. He was at the fair everyday, with our 4H advisor and her daughter, while I'm back home packing and cleaning a house, chasing after my other two tots and trying to keep my head from popping off with the stress of the task ahead of me.
Friday rolls around, the day before the move I might add, and it's time to go in the show ring and show the little critter...the lamb, Spot...yeah he named it. It's a weather or whether I don't remember the spelling, that means it's a male with no uhm balls. OK we are adults hear I can say that without snickering right. He did great, walked around the ring, set it up to show, had his pretty, mostly clean white shirt on and guess what blue ribbon. He didn't get grand champion or best of show or anything, can't say I really expected him to, but blue ribbon means he can take it to the premium sale.
So yes, it all worked out very well. He followed though, he worked hard, did his best and learned the lesson that I was going for..Hard work and dedication will pay off in the long run. A blue ribbon to be proud of hanging on the wall and the good feeling that you did a great job.
No Spot is not possessed, the lighting in the sale barn was not the best.