We were ready for some football.
If you hadn't guessed by my littlest imp's shirt, I'm a bit of a Steelers fan. Now, now, no getting ticked, we all have our favorite teams and mine has happen to be the black and gold since I was about the age of my oldest. I had my baby dressed in his jersey only because that cheese head fan of a husband of mine wasn't home as you well know. I did get plenty of harassment starting first thing Sun. morning telling me how bad the Cardinals were going to beat Pittsburgh..blah blah blah.
Game time rolls around and it was Rompa Room Superbowl party time. Pizza, chips, dip, soda, homemade carmel rolls, no alcohol..as I said Rompa Room. I've got it all spread out on a table in the living room. I've got three boys eating and bouncing around. Oldest cheering for as daddy told him..the Cardinals. That husband of mine has gotten my oldest to be a Packer Fan, Middle little most of the time is a Pack fan and they take every chance they get to taunt Mommy. But, since the Pack wasn't playing, Middle little decided Mommy's terrible towel looked like more fun, so now I've got two of three rooting for my team.
Since that cowboy/soldier of mine has been gone we've done an anniversary, a birthday and now the Superbowl without him. You know what, I'm more confident that we are going to be ok for the upcoming deployment. We'll miss him terribly, but our lives will continue on same ole same ole. Besides if it ever gets too hard I've always got this little animal to yell..."g-g-g-GOOOO!" at me and as you can see, he's rather in your face about it. Am I in for a real challenge raising this one. Wish me luck.

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