Friday, February 13, 2009

One week till my honey comes home and flowers that confuse me.

One week. The count down is on. The calender has a big daddy comes home and circled with magic marker. Every night a bright pink or army green marker X's out another day closer to Yea! daddy's back. We have almost successfully managed another 6 weeks of daddy being gone, with only minimal minor disasters.

Now the other half of the title of this post... The mystery flowers. don don daaa (mystery music)

At nap time today, the big brown UPS truck came flying down my driveway, no I'm not exaggerating, he apparently wasn't too awfully concerned about a driveway that looks like a skating rink. The little rather grumpy looking feller jumped out to hand me a long green box with Pro Flowers in big letters across the side. Confused I checked the label before he left and sure enough, my name, my address and even my phone number printed on the overnight delivery label. First thought, aww my honey not only had ordered flowers for me on our anniversary but Valentines as well. But, how?

I open the box and in a glass vase, no water... is a bouquet of pink, white and red tulips...I so love tulips..any wildflowers actually. Sorry rose fans, roses are pretty and yes I do like them, but they die so fast and just a bit too snobbish and typical for my taste.

After pulling out the flowers,vase, plant food and directions I noticed a computer card that read "Happy Valentines Mom, Love the names of my boys. After phone calls and text messages I'm still not 100% sure of who the money and ordering behind them are.

I love them, and it was a beautiful surprise. So thank you whoever and my wonderful cowboybabies.

Fresh cut tulips on my table among this slushy, wet, cold and snowy winter is fantastic. It's amazing how much, alive and colorful flowers in the house can perk up the entire atmosphere.

I have the sweetest most handsome Valentines in the world....My Boys!

Happy Valentines, may it be full of love and appreciation for you loved ones.

Cowgirl Lady

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwww that's so sweet! I want pictures of the tulips! Julie (sweet)
